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Debunking Common Facelift Myths

Debunking Common Facelift Myths

By Beverly Fischer on December 12, 2018

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Common Facelift Myths | Dr. Beverly Fischer

Facelifts are one of the most sought-after plastic surgery operations to address sagging and other visual signs of aging. Due to a variety of technological advances, facelifts have certainly evolved over the years giving patients beautiful results. However, sometimes people simply aren’t aware of the advances and base their opinion on outdated or utterly false information.

It’s always important to thoroughly research a procedure in order to know if it’s right for you. And the first step in that process is making sure you have all of the facts. Let’s take a look at some of the most common facelift myths out there.

Myth: Botox is Practically the Same Thing

It’s absolutely true that Botox can help achieve natural, beautiful results. However, the intent of Botox is not the same as a Facelift. Botox can treat fine lines and wrinkles and give patients a quick “pick me up,” but a Facelift offers comprehensive results by addressing sagging, loose skin, muscle tone issues, and fat displacement.

Myth: All Facelifts are Created Equal

Due to the vast innovation in the world of Facelifts, there are now numerous options to choose from. Some of the most common options include:

  • Mini Lift
  • Lower Facelift
  • Full Facelift
  • Local Anesthesia Facelift

Each option offers specific results based on the severity of the issues at hand. For example, a person who has lower levels of sagging may benefit from a Mini Lift while an individual with problems with sagging chin and lowered brow may opt for a Full Facelift. This is why it’s so incredibly important to discuss your options with a qualified plastic surgeon.


Myth: Facelifts Have an Age Requirement

While it’s true that older people may show more signs of aging than another person, there is no age requirement for the procedure. Gravity, heredity, and exposure to the sun can play a significant role in the natural aging process. Therefore, even younger people can sometimes benefit from a facelift, too. The Mini Facelift can often target those earlier signs of sagging that can occur for younger people. This is why it’s so great that there are multiple options to choose from!

Myth: Facelifts Make You Look Fake

This is probably one of the most unfortunate myths out there! Of course, there have been botched results, but it’s important to examine those stories a little closer. Usually, botched facelifts occur when patients aren’t working with a seasoned and specialized plastic surgeon. It can also happen if patients simply disregard the advice of their surgeon and have multiple procedures to achieve an unattainable goal.

If you do your research and find an experienced cosmetic surgeon, then facelifts results will be natural, and it won’t be readily noticeable that you’ve had work done at all. A qualified plastic surgeon is highly skilled and trained to provide patients with youthful, beautiful results without making it obvious that they had an elective procedure.

Myth: Recovery is Horrible

The visual you may get when you think of a facelift procedure may make you assume that the recovery is terrible. This is simply not true! There is a recovery period for a facelift, and the details of that recovery will vary based on the specific procedure you choose. However, most people are back to their regular activities after two weeks. There is some pain to be expected, but that is typically narrowed down to only the first couple of days following the procedure.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are considering a facelift, then please allow us to help you through the process. The team at The Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery is more than happy to answer your questions and guide you toward the best procedure for your exact needs. We provide the facts so you can make the most informed decision for moving forward with your surgical selection. Reach out to us today to schedule your consultation!

Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery | (410) 308-4700 | Website | More posts

Dr. Beverly A. Fischer is passionate about her role as a leading female plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Baltimore, Maryland and beyond. She believes that plastic surgery makes a positive, life-changing difference, whether you’re renewing your body, face, and skin or embarking on an entire gender transition.

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